Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thesis Show

Well it was a long time coming and a lot of work. But it is finished now. Thank you for all who came and supported me. I really appreciate it. These are a few images for those of you who couldn't make it to the opening. But if your in town. stop in and take a look. It will be up till the 4th of April.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Sorry I've been scarcely posting on here. Been so busy with getting ready for my MFA Thesis Show. Here is a teaser...:)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wheelin' it

As most of you know I am doing a lot of slip casting and not using my wheel as much as I used to but now I have figured out how to incorporate it. I made up this device and while not the prettiest thing it works great for keeping my casting slip in suspension while i am between castings. Not only does it do that, but it also does not whip any air into the slip which for those of you who don't know is a GREAT thing. I can't take credit for this though Bill Campbell had the idea, I just rigged it up. Well there is the buzzer time to dump some molds.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Combining my two favorite things, food and ceramics. This is last nights dinner I made. Bacon wrapped scallops braised in bourbon butter along with an apricot chutney. sides of rice pilaf and asparagus. All on Cone 10 Soda fired porcelain. Dinner was great. The only thing I would complain about was the asparagus. although the flavor was great, i cooked them a little too long. I only have one skillet and I tried to cook them in a pot of water for a bit then quickly saute them after I finished the scallops. But in the hustle and bustle of doing all that food at the same time...the asparagus cooked a little longer in the pot of water than desired. It was just not as cripsy as I would prefer, but next time you better bet I get it right! As for the rest of pat my self on my back. the apricot chutney was simply stunning and couldn't have gone better with the bacon and scallops. Ok enough gloating, just thought I'd blog about my dinner break. Well now refreshed and fed, I'm back to the studio.